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  • Coated Organic Fertilizer Granular, Customization

Coated Organic Fertilizer Granular, Customization

  • Product Item : Coated Organic Fertilizer Granular, Customization
  • Category: Organic Fertilizer
  • Organic matter≥15%
  • Fulvic acid≥3%
  • Si+Ca+Mg+S≥6%
  • Humic acid≥10% (or amino acid≥10%)
  • Product description:Yingkou Maomei Agriculture is a leading Coated Organic fertilizers producer and supplier in China. Our products can effectively slow-release fertilizer effects, improve fertilizer utilization, and enh

Detail Specification

Organic matter≥15%
Humic acid≥10% (or amino acid≥10%)
Fulvic acid≥3%
Granular size:2-5mm
Applicable crops: Can be widely used in crops such as peanuts, rice, corn, cucumber, various vegetables, fruit trees, melons and fruits, tea trees, flowers, grains, cotton and oil.

Product Details of Coated Organic Fertilizer Granular, Customization

Selling Points

Yingkou Maomei Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., relying on high-quality mineral resources, produces Coated Organic Fertilizer Granular, Customization products with advanced technology and the following characteristics:

    • ✽Size, ingredients and proportions can be customized
      ✽Comprehensive efficacy
      ✽Rooting and strengthening seedlings
      ✽Loosening the soil
      ✽Improving nutrient utilization
      ✽Increasing production and income
      ✽Resistant to diseases and stress

Products are exported to the United States, Russia, Indonesia, Canada, Spain, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and other countries, and also cover all provinces, cities, and regions across the country.

For more service advantages of Yingkou Maomei Agricultural Technology, please see Why choose us? and Factory Photos.

Advantages of Coated Organic Fertilizer Granular, Customization

1. Slow-release fertilizer effect
Coating technology can control the release rate of nutrients in fertilizers, so that nutrients are gradually released and continuously provide the nutrients needed for crop growth. This can prevent fertilizers from releasing too much nutrients at one time, resulting in nutrient waste and environmental pollution. Slow-release fertilizer effect not only improves the utilization rate of fertilizers and reduces nutrient loss, but also reduces the number and amount of fertilization, saving agricultural production costs.
2. Improve soil fertility
Adding organic matter helps improve soil structure. Specifically, it improves soil aggregate structure, increases soil organic carbon content, and improves soil buffering capacity.
3. Supplement trace elements
Trace elements are essential nutrients for crop growth, which can promote enzyme activity, improve photosynthesis, enhance stress resistance, and improve crop quality.

Fertilization Recommendations

Used as a base and topdressing fertilizer, the seed fertilizer is separated by 10 cm, and generally applied by broadcasting, hole application, strip application, etc. The dosage per hectare is about 150 kg, which can reduce the dosage of chemical fertilizer by 30%. The specific application should be adjusted according to the production conditions such as soil and crops, and it is best to use it under the guidance of technicians.
The appearance of mycelium after long-term storage is a phenomenon of large-scale reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, which can be used with confidence.
The shelf life of the product is two years, and the production date is shown on the packaging.

Packaging and Storage

1. Protect from rain and sunlight, store in a ventilated and dry place, and do not transport or store together with toxic and hazardous substances.
2. Each bag is 25 kg, and we can also provide packaging as small as 1 kg or as large as ton bags according to customer requirements.
3. Plastic woven bags, lined with plastic inner bags. We provide all available packaging such as paper plastic bags/kraft paper bags/PE bags.
4. We provide a variety of transportation methods: road transportation, railway transportation, air transportation, container transportation, and ocean transportation.

5. Our company's marks can provide OEM or neutral marks.


1.Is it possible to visit the factory?

We welcome you to visit our factory. Please make an appointment with us in advance so that we can arrange a reception and tour schedule. You will have the opportunity to learn about our production process, quality control measures and the latest production equipment.

2.How fast is the fertilizer absorbed?

Our fertilizer has a fast absorption rate. After scientific proportioning and fine processing, our products can release nutrients in a short time and provide plants with immediate nutrient replenishment. This helps promote plant growth and development, and improve yield and quality.

Product Knowledge:Why do fertilizers need to be coated?

Fertilizer coating is a common agricultural technology. The main reasons and advantages of fertilizer coating are as follows:

Controlling nutrient release Prolong fertilizer effect Coated fertilizers release nutrients slowly so their effects last longer. This helps reduce the frequency of fertilization and lowers labor costs.
Prevent nutrient loss Coating can slow down the dissolution rate of fertilizers in the soil, reduce the loss of nutrients due to leaching or volatilization, and improve the utilization efficiency of fertilizers.
Improving fertilizer utilization Directional feeding Coating technology can enable fertilizers to release nutrients during specific growth periods, meet the nutritional needs of crops in different growth periods, and improve the absorption efficiency of crops.
Reduce waste Because coated fertilizers can release nutrients more evenly and slowly, waste caused by large-scale releases at one time is reduced.
Protecting the environment Reduce environmental pollution Slow-release fertilizers can significantly reduce the loss of nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements, reduce pollution of groundwater and surface water, and protect water quality.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions The slow-release properties of coated fertilizers reduce the volatilization of nitrogen from the fertilizer, thereby reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide (greenhouse gases).
Increasing crop yield and quality Promote balanced growth Slow-release fertilizers can provide a continuous and stable supply of nutrients to crops, promote balanced crop growth, and thereby increase crop yield and quality.
Reduce fertilizer burn Coated fertilizers can prevent fertilizer burn caused by excessive fertilization, protect crop roots, and promote healthy growth.
Economic benefits Save costs Although the unit price of coated fertilizer is higher, its characteristics of extending fertilizer efficiency and reducing the frequency of fertilization can reduce the overall fertilizer cost.
Increase profits By improving fertilizer utilization efficiency and crop yields, farmers can achieve higher economic returns.
Coating materials and technologies Coating materials Commonly used coating materials include high molecular polymers, sulfur, resin, wax, etc. These materials have good water resistance and sustained release properties.
Coating technology There are two main types of coating technology: physical coating and chemical coating. Physical coating is to wrap the fertilizer particles with a film, while chemical coating is to coat the surface of the fertilizer with a layer of chemicals that can control the dissolution rate.



Yingkou Maomei Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd

Name: Brenda





Add:Qianjia Village, Nanlou Economic Development Zone, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, China