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  • Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer Granular

Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer Granular

  • Product Item : Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer Granular
  • Category: Organic Fertilizer
  • Organic matter ≥15%
  • Humic acid ≥10%
  • Fulvic acid ≥3%
  • Si+Ca+Mg≥5%
  • Product description:Yingkou Maomei Agriculture is a professional humic acid organic fertilizers manufacturer in China. Our products have the advantages of preventing various crop diseases and significantly improving crop

Detail Specification

Organic matter ≥15%
Humic acid ≥10%
Fulvic acid ≥3%
PH: 5-9
Trace elements ≥0.1%
Granular size: 2-5mm

Applicable crops: Tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, grapes, wheat, soybeans, corn, cotton, rapeseed, flowers and other crops

Product Details of Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer Granular

Selling Points

Yingkou Maomei Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., relying on high-quality mineral resources, produces Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer Granular products with advanced technology and the following characteristics:

    • ✽✽Fertilizer effect
      ✽Virus elimination
      ✽Inhibit pests and diseases
      ✽Rooting and strengthening seedlings
      ✽Loosening the soil
      ✽Increasing yield

Products are exported to the United States, Russia, Indonesia, Canada, Spain, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and other countries, and also cover all provinces, cities, and regions across the country.

For more service advantages of Yingkou Maomei Agricultural Technology, please see Why choose us? and Factory Photos.

Advantages of Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer Granular

1. Promote plant growth: Humic acid can improve soil water retention and aeration, promote plant root development, and thus promote overall plant growth.
2. Enhance disease resistance: Humic acid and trace elements can improve plant immunity and enhance its ability to resist diseases and pests.
3. Improve soil structure: Humic acid can improve soil structure, increase soil organic matter content, and make the soil more loose and fertile.
4. Supplement nutrients: Medium and trace elements such as silicon, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, boron, copper, etc. are necessary for plant growth, and these elements in the soil can be supplemented to increase crop yield and quality.
5. Promote nutrient absorption: Humic acid can chelate nutrients in the soil, making them easier to be absorbed by plant roots and improving fertilizer utilization.
6. Improve crop quality: An appropriate amount of medium and trace elements can promote the normal metabolism of crops and improve the quality and taste of crops.

Fertilization Recommendations

It is recommended to choose methods such as broadcasting, strip application or hole application to ensure that the fertilizer is evenly distributed throughout the planting area, which is conducive to full absorption and utilization by the root system. Fertilization recommendations for different soil types:
1. Sandy soil: Due to the poor water and fertilizer retention capacity of sandy soil, it is recommended to apply 300-400 kg of humic acid organic fertilizer granules per hectare to increase the organic matter content and water retention capacity of the soil.
2. Loam: The soil structure of loam is better. It is recommended to apply 200-300 kg of humic acid organic fertilizer granules per hectare to enhance soil fertility and microbial activity.
3. Clay: Clay soil is relatively heavy. It is recommended to apply 250-350 kg of humic acid organic fertilizer granules per hectare to improve soil permeability and drainage.
After fertilization, irrigation management should be carried out in time to keep the soil moist, which is conducive to the decomposition of humic acid organic fertilizer granules and the release of nutrients.

Packaging and Storage

1. Protect from rain and sunlight, store in a ventilated and dry place, and do not transport or store together with toxic and hazardous substances.
2. Each bag is 25 kg, and we can also provide packaging as small as 1 kg or as large as ton bags according to customer requirements.
3. Plastic woven bags, lined with plastic inner bags. We provide all available packaging such as paper plastic bags/kraft paper bags/PE bags.
4. We provide a variety of transportation methods: road transportation, railway transportation, air transportation, container transportation, and ocean transportation.

5. Our company's marks can provide OEM or neutral marks.


1.Can you provide third-party inspection reports?

Yes, we can provide third-party inspection reports. Our products have been inspected by authoritative testing agencies and meet relevant standards and requirements. You can ask us for these reports to confirm the quality and performance of the products.

2.Are there detailed parameter descriptions of the products?

Yes, we can provide detailed parameter descriptions of the products. Each product has detailed specifications, ingredients, usage methods and precautions. You can ask us for these materials to better understand and use our products.

Product Knowledge:The role and effect of humic acid in crop disease prevention and control

Humic acid is a class of complex compounds formed by the decomposition of organic matter and plays an important role in crop disease control. Experiments have proven that humic acid has good effects in preventing and treating various crop diseases. For example, humic acid has shown significant inhibitory effects in the prevention and treatment of wheat scab, tomato early blight, cucumber downy mildew and other diseases. The specific manifestations include a reduction in the number of disease spots, a reduction in disease severity, and a significant improvement in crop yield and quality. The role and effect of humic acid in crop disease control:
1. Humic acid can significantly enhance crop disease resistance.
Humic acid contains rich functional groups, such as carboxyl groups, phenolic hydroxyl groups, etc. These functional groups can effectively improve the structural strength of crop cell walls, thereby enhancing the physical barrier function of plants and resisting the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, humic acid can also stimulate plants to produce disease-resistance-related enzymes and resistance proteins. These substances form a biochemical barrier in plants, further improving the disease resistance of crops.
2. Humic acid can improve the soil microbial environment, thereby indirectly inhibiting the occurrence of diseases.
The application of humic acid can promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms and increase the number and diversity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. These beneficial microorganisms can competitively exclude pathogenic bacteria and reduce their colonization and spread in the soil. For example, humic acid can significantly increase the number of beneficial bacteria such as actinomycetes and lactic acid bacteria. These beneficial bacteria inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria by producing antibiotics and competing for nutrients and space, thereby reducing the occurrence of soil-borne diseases.
3. Humic acid can also improve crops’ resistance to environmental stress and indirectly reduce the occurrence of diseases.
Environmental stresses such as drought, salinity and low temperature often weaken the growth vitality of crops and increase the incidence of diseases. Humic acid has the function of improving soil physical and chemical properties and improving crop stress resistance. For example, humic acid can improve the water-holding capacity of the soil, improve soil aeration, and increase the organic matter content in the soil, thereby providing a good growth environment for crops, enhancing crop stress resistance, and reducing the occurrence of diseases.



Yingkou Maomei Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd

Name: Brenda





Add:Qianjia Village, Nanlou Economic Development Zone, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, China